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March 5, 2013 at 12:00 am

MEREDA’s 2013 Annual Spring Conference | The Retrofitting Movement: Repositioning Underutilized Commercial Real Estate


This year’s program will include Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at Georgia Tech, Ellen Dunham-Jones, award-winning licensed architect and professor teaching contemporary architectural and urban design studios and theory as Keynote Speaker. 

Ellen, a leading authority on suburban redevelopment, looks at underperforming suburbs and proposes plans for making them livable and sustainable.  She has been featured in The New York TimesHarvard Business ReviewHarvard Design Magazine, Urban Land, Planning, Architectural Record, TEDx and other venues.  She co-authored Retrofitting Suburbia; Urban Design Solutions for Redesigning Suburbs which looks at more than 50 case studies across North America of "underperforming asphalt properties" that have been redesigned and redeveloped into walkable, sustainable centers of community.  Ellen’s presentation will focus on adaptive reuse of vacant buildings, environmental repair, revising zoning codes and public works standards, providing easements for future connectivity and adaptability, to name a few.

Local panelists who have been involved in the retrofitting movement will support this discussion by addressing some of the practical challenges and or opportunities with respect to retrofitting suburban layouts in our Maine communities.

MEREDA will also recognize the Top Notable Projects for 2012 and provide an overview of the “MEREDA Index“, a new metric that will illustrate the statistical changes and measure the pulse of the commercial real estate industry in Maine, including sale and lease activity, construction starts and other data.

Make plans now to join us on May 22, 2013 at the Holiday Inn By the Bay.

For more information, please click here.

Categories: Press Release