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About Us

The Maine Real Estate & Development Association (MEREDA) is an organization whose mission is to promote an environment for responsible development and ownership of real estate throughout the State

MEREDA accomplishes its mission through legislative advocacy, regulatory oversight, sponsorship of programs and conferences, and by serving as a unified and proactive representative for real estate and economic development interests.

The Maine Real Estate & Development Association (MEREDA) is a non-profit entity whose members – commercial real estate owners, developers, and related service providers – banded together in 1985 to found the first statewide association established specifically to present the views of participants in the state’s commercial real estate industry to lawmakers in Augusta.

MEREDA’s mission is the same today as it was at its founding – to promote fair and responsible development and ownership of real estate throughout the State of Maine. MEREDA remains firmly committed to vigorously presenting the views and concerns of its members on issues that affect them to state lawmakers and other government officials, and advocating effectively on their behalf.

Today, MEREDA has nearly 350 member firms, which employ thousands of Maine citizens. These companies encompass a wide array of non-profit and for-profit real estate-related businesses including – developers, builders, managers, brokers, attorneys, accountants, lenders, engineers, consultants, architects, appraisers, suppliers, community development advocates, housing authorities, and municipalities.

MEREDA’s members have found the association’s benefits and services to be invaluable to the on-going success of their businesses. Membership in MEREDA ensures that your firm’s interests are represented when public policy is being made that impacts the commercial real estate industry.

Think of membership in MEREDA as another form of insurance – is this the kind of coverage you can really afford to be without? Besides the indispensable advocacy work MEREDA provides, your membership will also furnish endless opportunities to broaden your knowledge of real estate-related issues and trends and to interact with hundreds of other industry professionals.

Learn more about MEREDA membership opportunities here.

Spring 2022 MEREDA Index
MEREDA is proud to present its
 Spring 2022 report on the current
 state of the real estate industry
 in Maine.   For previous Index publications,
 click here.

Check out MEREDA in the July 27,. 2020
edition of Mainebiz celebrating our 35th Anniversary! 
"Thank you!" to everyone who made this possible!
Check out MEREDA in the May 2, 2010 
special section of the Maine Sunday Telegram! 
MEREDA extends a big "thank you!" to all our volunteers
and advertisers who helped make this venture a huge success!