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March 14, 2016 at 12:00 am · · Comments Off on MEREDA’s Morning Menu – Energy Islanding: Creating Microgrids for Grid Resiliency and On Site Generation

MEREDA’s Morning Menu – Energy Islanding: Creating Microgrids for Grid Resiliency and On Site Generation

Microgrids are a localized grouping of electricity sources that operate and connect to the centralized grid but can also disconnect and function autonomously. Microgrids serve several functions, they provide continuous electricity for buildings that cannot lose power, they serve as emergency shelters for municipalities preparing for resiliency in the face of increasingly severe weather patterns, and they support a flexible and efficient electric grid, by enabling the integration of renewable sources.

Join the Maine Real Estate & Development Association (MEREDA) for breakfast on April 14, 2016 from 7:30 – 9:00 AM at DoubleTree by Hilton in South Portland to learn from local energy experts as they discuss what microgrids are, how they function, and how they work with on site generation. They will also show examples of microgrids being used in major cities today.

Click here for more information and to register.

This MEREDA "Morning Menu" Breakfast Event is Sponsored by Norway Savings, Bank Woodard & Curran, and ReVision Energy.

March 1, 2016 at 12:00 am · · Comments Off on Encore of solid performance for latest MEREDA Index

Encore of solid performance for latest MEREDA Index

The latest MEREDA Index, unveiled in late January 2016 at MEREDA’s Forecast Conference, comes in at 100, signifying solid performance for the last two quarters. As a key economic indicator for Maine, the MEREDA Index measures the pulse of the state’s real estate industry. It is the leading way the Maine commercial real estate industry tracks changes in the market.

Watch a video about The MEREDA Index, or download the full report.

While slightly lower than its immediate predecessor, “the latest number is reflective of the strong real estate economy, and is a very solid indicator of the strength of Maine’s real estate market,” said MEREDA president Michael O’Reilly.

“Commercial real estate activity continues to be a strong driver, with an overall rise of 2% over the first three quarters of 2015 — but, for the first time, residential activity was a big contributor as well, rising 9%” continued O’Reilly. “In fact, the individual components of the residential index saw sales of existing units up 14% and eclipsing the base year of 2006 for the first time. Median price, mortgage originations and residential permits were also trending upward.”

Commercial Market

The commercial market comprises 50% of the overall Index figure. This portion has exhibited somewhat greater volatility than in the past several reports, although the overall index is up 2% over the first three quarters, led by a steady increase in the volume of commercial transactions (up 3%) and a firming up of lease rates per square foot (up 2%). The commercial square foot component has been the most volatile, falling to 92 in the first quarter and then jumping to 286 in the second quarters as several large properties were sold.

Residential Market

The residential market makes up for 40% of the overall Index. Sales of existing units (up 14% through the first 3 quarters of 2015) led the way in the first really strong performance in this portion of the Index in several years. All the other components also increased with the median price index up 4%, the mortgage originations index up 21% and new residential permits up 6% in 2015. While growing, new construction remains well below the level of 2006, meaning most housing demand is being met by existing unit sales, which is now above 2006 levels.

Construction Employment

Construction employment, weighted at 10% of the overall Index, continues its lackluster performance. As of 2015 Q3, it stands at just below 80 and has not been above 85 since 2008 Q4.

The next version of The MEREDA Index will be unveiled at the organization’s spring conference, scheduled for May 17th in downtown Portland.

Technical Notes

The MEREDA Index It is a composite of nine measures reflecting real estate activity in both new development and existing properties, in commercial and residential markets, as well as construction employment — all statewide. MEREDA has published The Index quarterly since the first quarter of 2006 and this current edition covers the Index through the fall of 2015. It is formulated for MEREDA by Dr. Charles Colgan, an economist with USM’s Muskie School of Public Service.

February 23, 2016 at 12:00 am · · Comments Off on MEREDA’s Morning Menu – Show Me the Money: Commercial Real Estate Financing Trends

MEREDA’s Morning Menu – Show Me the Money: Commercial Real Estate Financing Trends

It has been said that the real estate market has “recovered” and buy/sell activity has been strong in just about every category of property in 2015 with expectations that prosperity continue into 2016. This was confirmed by industry experts at our Annual Forecast Conference this past January.

With increased property sales in a strong economy the question is; who is providing the financing and how are these transactions being financed? What are the recent trends in the market, what are the banks looking for in a qualified borrower/ project? Are there any “tips” on how to position your company best for a successful financing?

Join MEREDA for breakfast on March 15th from 7:30 – 9:00 AM at the Portland Regency Hotel to hear from seasoned lenders from institutional, regional, and community sources as well as the SBA 504 prospective. 

Click here for more information and to register.

This MEREDA "Morning Menu" Breakfast Event is Sponsored by Norway Savings Bank

February 17, 2016 at 12:00 am · · Comments Off on MEREDA’s Morning Menu – A Look at Coworking

MEREDA’s Morning Menu – A Look at Coworking

As demand for commercial real estate increases, how can property owners, brokers and developers meet the evolving expectations of modern businesses?  What are the emerging trends in real estate, design and marketing as they pertain to today’s mobile workforce?  Specifically, what can property owners do to attract new tenants and buyers as well as stabilize and future-proof their properties?  

As this open-concept trend continues to evolve, how can commercial property owners retrofit their existing properties and/or design new spaces to better accommodate the lean practices of today’s virtual business paradigm?  

Join MEREDA for breakfast on February 25th from 7:30 – 9:00 AM at the Clarion Hotel in Portland to learn how the coworking model has grown at a near exponential rate in the past ten years, highlighting the various types and structures that exist world-wide.  As an example, WeWork, the largest global coworking franchise, was recently valued at $10 Billion.  How is this possible and what lessons can we learn by looking at this bold new paradigm?

Click here for more information and to register.

This MEREDA "Morning Menu" Breakfast Event is Sponsored by Norway Savings Bank

February 2, 2016 at 12:00 am · · Comments Off on Five real estate luminaries presented with awards

Five real estate luminaries presented with awards

PORTLAND, Maine – At a recent conference, the Maine Real Estate & Development Association (MEREDA) presented awards to five individuals, each selected for their contributions to MEREDA and, more generally, to the health of the Maine real estate market over the last several years.

“This year, as always, we have a slate of very deserving, skilled and hardworking recipients,” said MEREDA president Michael O’Reilly in presenting the awards. “MEREDA and the Maine real estate community are very fortunate to have these individuals as colleagues and in their communities.”

Watch a video of MEREDA’s 2016 award winners.

William Shanahan, a MEREDA board member and president of the Northern New England Housing Investment Fund, won the 2016 Robert B. Patterson, Jr. Founders’ Award, a career recognition to acknowledge significant contributions to the industry over many years. Shanahan was praised for his “diligent counsel and valuable expertise time and again” and his ability to “connect finance issues to the mission, and anticipate conditions and advances solutions that help meet long term goals.”

Jason Favreau, a CPA and principal with BerryDunn, was chosen by fellow MEREDA board members as 2016 Volunteer of the Year. Favreau spearheaded an initiative to assess MEREDA’s mission and goals including a review of membership and sponsorship opportunities, the outcome of which was a new structure that offers four levels of membership with added benefits at increasing levels. Even just a few months into implementation, MEREDA’s financial sustainability has increased, and many members have benefited from increased visibility and value.

The 2016 Public Policy Award went to Andrea Cianchette Maker, an attorney and partner at Pierce Atwood, for her advocacy for responsible real estate development in Maine.  The organization’s long-standing public policy counsel, Andrea is a driving force for MEREDA’s policy agenda. She was praised for her ability to “make and maintain relationships with key stakeholders and collaborate with others on issues of mutual interest.” Of particular note is her recent leadership on a bill which proposes to expedite the appeals process of land use decisions.

And, in an unprecedented move, MEREDA president Michael O’Reilly selected two individuals for the 2016 President’s AwardBruce Jones, business development manager at Creative Office Pavilion, and Brian Curley, partner with PDT Architects. They were recognized together for their collaboration on MEREDA’s spring conference, where, over the last several years, they have invested hours and expertise to bring renowned national speakers and topics to the forefront of discussion for Maine real estate professionals. O’Reilly says the two have “breathed in new life and new ideas and, as a result, increased enthusiasm and attendance.”

Next, MEREDA will recognize notable projects from the last year in Maine commercial real estate. That awards ceremony is scheduled as part of the organization’s spring conference, on May 17, 2016. Find more details about that event here.

January 28, 2016 at 12:00 am · · Comments Off on Experts, numbers show optimism for Maine real estate in 2016

Experts, numbers show optimism for Maine real estate in 2016

MAINE – The Maine Real Estate & Development Association (MEREDA) hosted a record-breaking 800 attendees earlier this month for the group’s annual Forecast Conference, where about a dozen experts reviewed Maine real estate trends from 2015, and predicted what is in store for 2016. The event, which also included a robust business showcase and was sponsored by TD Bank, proved to be a veritable who’s who of development in Maine. Attendees listened with rapt attention and celebrated the market’s return to pre-recession, 2006 levels.

“It was a great turnout for our signature event, with a great outlook for the Maine commercial real estate market,” celebrated Michael O’Reilly, MEREDA board president and senior vice president with Bangor Savings Bank.

Justin Lamontagne of NAI The Dunham Group, along with other experts in the southern Maine office, industrial and retail markets, called for more inventory, noting that businesses seeking prime locations in have found nowhere to go. Lamontagne predicts this situation will likely to persist until new development occurs. For instance, increasingly, industrial space is being used for brewery operations. And, Class A office space in downtown Portland, which saw two record value transactions in the first part of 2015, is scarce due to high desirability; as a result, the market for nice Class B office space is tightening.

Juxtapose that with a prediction that a dearth of construction workers could potentially drive up costs of new construction, and Maine’s real estate insiders are expecting values and demand to stay high through the coming year.

Portland’s lifestyle accolades are driving high occupancy levels and rates, and not just for hotels, which have been popping up all over the waterfront and city center. Multi-family developments and single family sales in southern Maine are “very hot,” according to experts. In particular, David Marsden, realtor with Bean Group, noted that the luxury home trend is waning for both millennials and baby boomers, while the demand for smaller footprint, urban, more conscientiously built properties is on the rise.

Vin Veroneau, president of J.B. Brown & Sons, recently announced a five-story market-rate development in Portland at the former El Rayo location, which will include street-level commercial space and 63 apartments above. Veroneau, who also led development of downtown Portland’s relatively new Courtyard Marriott, was part of a video at the conference, during which he ticked off another four or five urban projects planned by fellow developers.

Tanya Emery, director of economic development for the City of Bangor, said that “the sure bet” in her city is medical office facilities. This sentiment was also echoed by an expert from the Central Maine market, where a Chinese medical tourism facility is planned for a former Auburn shoe shop, and more traditional medical facilities are in the works as well.

Emery even hinted that there’s an exciting new tenant on tap for the space being vacated by L.L.Bean’s call center later this year.

Beyond medical, experts outside Portland also see growth opportunities in senior housing, as well as entertainment and industrial space located in close proximity to the state’s turnpike and Route 95.

Lamontagne announced that FedEx is taking over the full 250,000 square feet in Biddeford formerly occupied by Hostess’ bakery operations, and Karen Rich of Cardente Real Estate announced many new retail locations in the works, including a new Reny’s in Windham.

Individual presentations from each expert can be found by clicking here.

“We are optimistic about commercial real estate in Maine for the coming year. Many of the promising accomplishments of 2015 continue to trend upward as we enter 2016,” said O’Reilly.

Next, MEREDA travels from Portland to Bangor to host a conversation about preserving shorefront value. The event takes place over breakfast on February 10 at the Hollywood Casino. Tickets are available by clicking here.

January 15, 2016 at 12:00 am · · Comments Off on MEREDA’s Morning Menu Breakfast – Our Lakes, Our Future: Preserving Shorefront Value

MEREDA’s Morning Menu Breakfast – Our Lakes, Our Future: Preserving Shorefront Value

Join MEREDA for breakfast on February 10th from 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM at Hollywood Casino Bangor for a thought provoking conversation and learn about trends in Maine lake health, new cross-sector initiatives to protect our lakes, and how a program called LakeSmart can help communities safeguard their freshwater resources.

Maine lakes are not only beautiful, they are a surprisingly powerful economic engine — generating more than $3.5 billion in annual spending, providing more jobs than any single Maine employer, fueling countless local businesses, supplying drinking water to half our residents, and contributing to the municipal tax revenues that fund essential services in many Maine towns.  Our clean, clear lakes support a cornucopia of goods, from limitless four-season recreation to vital wildlife habitat, aesthetic enjoyment, and a quality of life most other states can only envy.

We have long depended on them, but our lakes are not immune from the serious water quality problems plaguing people around the world today. Here at home we have seen nuisance algae blooms and murky depths on some lakes ruin the fun for everyone, and we’ve learned that it’s both costly and very difficult to undo this kind of damage.

The good news is that we have in hand a proven way to help prevent these dreaded outcomes on developed lakes: it’s a program called LakeSmart.  Under the direction of the Maine Lakes Society, LakeSmart’s non-regulatory, user-friendly approach delivers individually designed, site-specific landscaping recommendations to lakefront property owners to keep lake waters clean and healthy.   In this way, it enables lake communities to take the future of lakes into their own hands. Maine businesses, most particularly the realtors, developers, landscapers and nurserymen who deal with homeowners and their plans every day, have a big role to play in this groundbreaking effort.  

The conversation will be led by Maggie Shannon (Belgrade Regional Conservation Alliance and Belgrade Lakes Association) and Gail Rizzo (Designated Broker with Lakepoint Real Estate). 

Click here for more information and to register.

This MEREDA "Morning Menu" Breakfast Event is Sponsored by Rudman Winchell & Bangor Savings Bank.

January 7, 2016 at 12:00 am · · Comments Off on 4th Annual “Strikes for Scholars” Bowl-a-Thon Fundraising Event

4th Annual “Strikes for Scholars” Bowl-a-Thon Fundraising Event

MEREDA is now in the planning stages of organizing its 4th Annual "Strikes for Scholars" Bowl-a-Thon Fundraising Event with all the proceeds to fund scholarships for students pursuing studies in building trades, architecture, construction, engineering or a business program at a Maine Community College (MCCS). The previous "Strikes for Scholars" event, held last April, raised enough funds to provide a total of eight $1450 scholarships – one to each of the 7 schools in MCCS, as well as one to the College of Science, Technology & Health at the University of Southern Maine.  

As an organization whose mission is to promote an environment for responsible development and ownership of real estate throughout the State, MEREDA wants to help support the next generation of professionals who will ultimately continue its work of advocating for responsible development. We hope to increase the funds raised at this year’s event!

Our event will take place on May 5, 2016 at Bayside Bowl in Portland, ME.  More information will be available in early February, but we hope you will  contact us now to learn more about how to participate.

We invite you to organize a Team or consider becoming a Sponsor of this worthy cause! 

December 30, 2015 at 12:00 am · · Comments Off on Index of Maine’s commercial real estate performance to be revealed Jan. 21

Index of Maine’s commercial real estate performance to be revealed Jan. 21

PORTLAND, Maine (Dec. 30, 2015) – The economic indicator of Maine’s commercial real estate activity for the third quarter of 2015 will be revealed on Thurs., Jan. 21 at a day-long conference of the Maine Real Estate & Development Association (MEREDA), expected to draw more than 700 from the industry. The MEREDA Index is compiled biannually to measure the pulse of the state’s real estate sector and is the primary tool for insiders to track changes in the market.

“Since we introduced The MEREDA Index two years ago, people anxiously await its Press Release,” said Michael O’Reilly, president of the board of MEREDA and senior vice president in the commercial banking group at Bangor Savings Bank. “We’ll unveil The MEREDA Index at our conference in just a few weeks, which is a great opportunity for real estate experts from across the state and the region to network and learn.”

The conference will also feature more than half a dozen forecasts of future market activity by property type and geography. Presentations are expected from top experts in the following categories: Maine’s vacation and hospitality industry, southern Maine industrial, southern Maine office, southern Maine retail and southern Maine residential — plus specific forecasts for the midcoast, Bangor area and central Maine markets respectively.

Additionally, MEREDA’s popular member showcase will offer an excellent opportunity for marketing of commercial real estate-related products and services.

The annual conference brings together the largest gathering of commercial real estate professionals in Maine, and is well-known as a “must attend” for anyone involved in, or touched by, the real estate industry.

Registration is now open for the 2016 MEREDA Forecast Conference, set for 9:00 am on Thurs., Jan. 21 at the Holiday Inn by the Bay in Portland. The event has been approved for 4.0 hours of real estate broker, legal, architect and appraiser continuing education credits. For more information and to register, click here.

November 11, 2015 at 12:00 am · · Comments Off on MEREDA’s Morning Menu Breakfast – Our Lakes, Our Future: Preserving Shorefront Value

MEREDA’s Morning Menu Breakfast – Our Lakes, Our Future: Preserving Shorefront Value

Join MEREDA for breakfast on December 10th from 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM at the Portland Regency Hotel for a thought provoking conversation and learn about trends in Maine lake health, new cross-sector initiatives to protect our lakes, and how a program called LakeSmart can help communities safeguard their freshwater resources.

Maine lakes are not only beautiful, they are a surprisingly powerful economic engine — generating more than $3.5 billion in annual spending, providing more jobs than any single Maine employer, fueling countless local businesses, supplying drinking water to half our residents, and contributing to the municipal tax revenues that fund essential services in many Maine towns.  Our clean, clear lakes support a cornucopia of goods, from limitless four-season recreation to vital wildlife habitat, aesthetic enjoyment, and a quality of life most other states can only envy.

We have long depended on them, but our lakes are not immune from the serious water quality problems plaguing people around the world today. Here at home we have seen nuisance algae blooms and murky depths on some lakes ruin the fun for everyone, and we’ve learned that it’s both costly and very difficult to undo this kind of damage.

The good news is that we have in hand a proven way to help prevent these dreaded outcomes on developed lakes: it’s a program called LakeSmart.  Under the direction of the Maine Lakes Society, LakeSmart’s non-regulatory, user-friendly approach delivers individually designed, site-specific landscaping recommendations to lakefront property owners to keep lake waters clean and healthy.   In this way, it enables lake communities to take the future of lakes into their own hands. Maine businesses, most particularly the realtors, developers, landscapers and nurserymen who deal with homeowners and their plans everyday, have a big role to play in this groundbreaking effort.  

Join MEREDA for breakfast on December 10 from 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM at the Portland Regency Hotel for a thought provoking conversation led by Maggie Shannon (Belgrade Regional Conservation Alliance and Belgrade Lakes Association) and Gail Rizzo (Designated Broker with Lakepoint Real Estate), and learn about trends in Maine lake health, new cross-sector initiatives to protect our lakes, and how a program called LakeSmart can help communities safeguard their freshwater resources.      
Click here for more information and to register.

This MEREDA "Morning Menu" Breakfast Event is Sponsored by Eaton Peabody.