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Membership Application

    Organization Information

    Active member companies will be featured in the Membership Directory within our web site with a 100-word description of the company's products and services. There is no additional fee for this listing and you will have the option of making this information public, allowing all site users to see your profile and contact information, or private, allowing just MEREDA members to see this information (Only member companies with current dues are eligible to be listed.)

    Please use the space below for your company’s 100-word profile:

    Primary Address Information (required)

    Secondary Address Information:

    Primary Contact Information (required)

    Secondary Contact Information:

    New Member Information:

    Conference & Seminar CommitteeMembership & Marketing CommitteePublic Policy CommitteeDevelopME CommitteeLocal Issues Committee

    MEREDA's Annual Membership Dues:

    MEREDA has four levels of membership: Supporter, Advocate, Sustainer and Cornerstone. All members will receive the same foundational benefits of a MEREDA membership: Advocacy, Networking, and Education & Insight, however, this structure rewards members for their support of the organization with added benefits at each level.

    Please click here for more details

    Membership Level


    Membership Benefit Levels

    Full Time Student
    Corporate (includes up to 5 individual members)

    Minimum Annual Dues


    For federal income tax purposes, dues paid to the Maine Real Estate & Development Association (MEREDA) are deductible as a business expense, not as a charitable contribution. A portion of dues, however, is not deductible as an ordinary and necessary business expense to the extent that MEREDA engages in lobbying. The non-deductible portion of dues is 30 percent. MEREDA is tax exempt under IRS Section 501(c)(6).

    Annual dues will become due upon review and acceptance of your application. They are payable via check made out to "MEREDA" and mailed to 6 City Center, 3rd Floor, Portland, ME 04101, or by calling (207) 874-0801 with Visa or MasterCard information.

    Please note: MEREDA expects members to adhere to its mission of developing Maine responsibly. Each application is subject to review of MEREDA Board and/or executive committee. MEREDA is organized under IRS Section 501 (c) (6) rules.