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Office Market Overview

The Greater Portland office market continued to improve in 2016 as the vacancy rate fell for the 7th consecutive year for a direct vacancy of 6.17 percent and total rateRead More

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Passive House Pushes [& Seals] The Envelope

Making Affordable Housing More Affordable Multifamily housing projects around the state have contributed to an improvement in construction activity post-recession. Hidden among the number of multifamily projects, two developments inRead More

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The New-Old Humpty Dumpty

Here are 10 trends likely to come amidst a full-circle return to housing finance and economics like it was before homeownership became a policy priority. Humpty Dumpty sat on aRead More

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When Generations Collide

By Dean Strombom, Principal, Gensler, Houston, TX This is the first time in history when five generations of employees may co-exist in the workplace: the Silent Generation, Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials orRead More

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How Technology is Disrupting Real Estate

Commercial real estate has historically relied upon in-person interaction to get things done, but an influx of new technology is transforming the space. Now, transactions, updates, searching and more canRead More

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