Tanya Emery
Maine Connectivity Authority
Biographical Info
Established in 2021, the Maine Connectivity Authority (MCA) is a quasi-governmental agency charged with achieving the universal access of affordable high-speed broadband in Maine. Led by an experienced staff and board appointed by The Governor, the MCA works to ensure three goals: That effective, accessible connectivity be universally available in the state; that there be secure, affordable, reliable, competitive, sustainable and forward-looking infrastructure that can meet future needs; and that all residents, businesses and institutions in Maine be able to take full advantage of the economic, health, educational and other opportunities available through connectivity services. MCA is currently administering multiple funding programs related to broadband expansion in Maine under the All-In Funding Program, and also leads the state's broadband planning efforts and coordination with other key plans such as the state's Economic Development Strategy and Climate Action Plan.
Economic Development Director
Address 1
PO Box 817
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